
Hello! I’m a first year PhD student in the Computer Sciences department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I am grateful to be advised by Prof. Kirthevasan Kandasamy. Prior coming to Madison I did my undergrad at the University of Notre Dame where I majored in Computer Science and Mathematics.


I am interested in the intersection of theoretical machine learning, game theory, and mechanism design. Recently I have been working on how to facilitate data sharing amoungst strategic agents for machine learning problems. My goal is to design mechanisms that incentivize participants to truthfully contribute data so that they may all obtain improved models. Please feel free to reach out if any of this interests you, I’m always happy to chat!


  • Data Sharing for Mean Estimation Among Heterogeneous Strategic Agents
    Alex Clinton, Yiding Chen, Xiaojin Zhu, Kirthevasan Kandasamy


  • Discrete Math (CS240) TA: Fall 2023

  • Data Science Programming II (CS320) TA: Spring 2024